Upcoming Products!

The Fond Du Lac county fair starts next week, and we are releasing two new products that will be available at the show and online 7/18.

The first item is body mist/sprays. Cologne and perfume has been a growing and popular product line, so I decided this product would fit well with the perfume and cologne fragrances and allows us to trial new fragrances and is a great everyday wear that isn’t overpowering.

Second, is natural deodorant. Our natural deodorant is aluminum free and made with simple ingredients.

Ingredient List: Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Shea Butter, Sodium Bicarbonate, Kaolin Clay, Fragrance, Vitamin E.

*We are still doing testing on our deodorant products and will be released sometime in 2024.

Aluminum is used as an antiperspirant which blocks your sweat glands and there are studies inconclusive that excess aluminum causes Alzheimer’s disease, but it is known that too much consumption of aluminum can build up in the brain and cause other neurological problems.

Not only that, but why block an important bodily function? Sweat it self doesn’t cause body odor, the odor comes from the bacteria on your body interacting with your sweat. The use of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in our deodorant will help absorb moisture and reduce body odor instead of just masking it.

Some natural deodorants on the market are also honestly a little expensive. We shouldn’t have to pay more for simple and healthier products, and I’m making my deodorant cost competitive as well as doing product bundles for the holiday season (keep an eye out in fall!).


Me Pouring Waxmelts (Video)